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Friday, December 17, 2010

There's a War Coming...... And We're at Ground Zero.... again.

So far this latest attack has been waged in the halls of our Senate and Congress. Who's the "Enemy"? It's beginning to look like you and I are. ("Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class America") And,.. who are the "Invading Forces" in this aggressive battle? It's the same folks who brought you "Tax Breaks for The Rich", and "Corporate Bailouts". That's right, our own elected, hypocritical, elitist, "Representatives". We were all on the same side when they needed our votes, but now,..... we're just the "Rabble" that pays the bills. They don't care what we want. They don't care what we need. They just care that we can keep footing the bills so that they can get richer and richer. But, wait!..... There's more. There's the insidious undermining of our rights. That part is still being orchestrated.

This "War" started long before we were aware of it. Before the Three shots in Dallas, or the hail of bullets in Manhattan, or the one fired in Memphis, or the three in Los Angeles....... Before any of those killings this "War" was started. President Eisenhower tried to warn us of it, but we weren't listening. We were naive to the concept that our own government would trade the ideals of freedom for the benefits of profit. After all, weren't they the protectors of our freedoms? We believed them to be. We elected them to be. We trusted them to be...... We were wrong! Eisenhower was right on the money!

On September 11th, 2001...... The culmination of all those previous events reached a crescendo never before seen in the world. Genocide released on our own, and in all likelihood by our own, with very specific purposes in mind. This was the true declaration of this "WAR". The American people rallied around patriotism. Flags were flown like they had been during WWII. We were united against our "Enemies". Now, if we only knew who our "enemies" really were.......

As we waited for our leadership to declare war on "somebody".... "anybody", our President declared "War on Terror". Then came "The Patriot Act". But, who were the real "Terrorist"? Was it Saddam Hussein..... Osama bin Laden? It couldn't be Saudi Arabia? Of course not,.... they're our "Allies". But, wait! I thought Iraq was our allies, at least they used to be, until they invaded Kuwait. Then, it was imperative that we had to invade them. "Saddam needed to be stopped." There were weapons of "Mass Destruction". How did we know this? Because we sold them to him............ for big profits. And,... let's not forget the OIL. We don't need to talk about it, but let's not forget it.

And as... "the bombs bursting in air,.... gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there" we were lead into "The war without end". The war without reason. Oh,... it had a reason for some. The rich got richer, and the profits piled up like never before. So much profits, that our leaders couldn't allow those profits to be scrutinized by just anyone. It was time initiate the real war. The "WAR" of The Classes". The war that no one but the privileged few even knew existed.

Then something unprecedented happened. People started listening to dissenters. Like WikiLeaks, and Truth Out, and Bradley Manning. Films and photos leaked from Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo Bay exposed an evil never before known as actions by Americans. Film of heavily armed helicopters murdering civilians while the crew reveled their atrocities emerged. When that happened, the "War" took on a new direction. The war on Terror, became a war on anyone who dissented from the party line. Instead of holding the architects of these acts accountable, our government circled the wagons and touted a new Leader. A man of "change" who pledged "transparency" in government.

And, as we waited to be reaffirmed as a truthful, and just people in the world's eye, our new President ignored the cry for justice. In his first acts of "change" and "transparency" he quietly pardoned the architects of America's shame. All the while smiling at his people, and telling us that there was no point in dwelling on the past. It was time to forge a new future. A "green" future, where new technologies would lead us in the world market and out of our looming recession.

Where are those "green" jobs that were going to help boost the economy, Mr. President? Where's the "change"? From where I sit, it's looking like business as always. You and your elitists in government and corporate industry get more and more of the wealth, while we, the people get unemployment,.... if only for a limited time. That just doesn't seem like a fair trade to me. This is the same "trickle down economics" that Ronald Reagan pushed into place. It was "Bullshit" then,.... and it's "Bullshit", now.

People like Julian Assange and Bradley Manning have become declared the "terrorists". The internet being their weapons of mass insurrection. This is the "danger to national security" you would have us believe? This a threat that must be stopped? If you allow us to talk to each other, who knows what kind of cockamamie ideas we might get? We might even figure out you've declared war on us. The battle is just beginning.

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