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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Smoke and Mirrors of Those "Changes" we were promised, are getting Smokier by the day.....

While most of the coverage of WikiLeaks has been focussed on the search for Julian Assange, the underlying facts that our government would like to distract us from, are a few cables that contain some damning information for the U.S.

In his first months in office, President Obama worked side by side with Republicans to lean on the Spanish to drop their investigation of several of the Bush administration for "War Crimes".
According to the confidential cables, pressure was applied to Spanish officials to drop the matter entirely. With the threat that the "prosecutions would not be accepted in the United States and would have an "enormous impact" on the bilateral relationship of the two countries."

The story reported in Mother Jones, by David Corn, details the correspondence. It is an enlightening truth our government would prefer stayed under the rug.

Guardian.co.uk has printed the entire cable of May 5, 2009. Also a very enlightening read.

[my comment - MS]
"What we have here,..... is a failure to communicate"..... truthfully that is. It's becoming more apparent every day that the "Villains" trying to tear down this "Democracy", just might be our own leaders. If suppressing the truth is more important than the "Truth" itself, what's that say for our country's leaders? What's that say for "Democracy" itself?
The saddest part of this whole WikiLeaks thing, is that not one person in our government has the courage of facing the truth, and taking responsibility for the deeds that are being exposed by these documents. Instead,..... like cockroaches, when the light goes on,... they run for cover, and hope the light will go out.

I say,... It's up to each and every one of us to expose tyranny and injustice. "It's the American way." If you want freedom, it requires truth.

1 comment:

  1. Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny, according to Robert Heinlein. I agree. There is just too much playing games around the world. I applaud WikiLeaks. If we need to massage the egos of world governments and their leaders, perhaps we should be looking at why we are playing the game.
