What do you think?

Join the rant..... What do you think?... Put your view out here for everyone to see. We're all in this together. Contact me at firemansforge@hughes.net, and speak up...
Your sarcasm can set you free.....


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Remember "Scoop Nisker" ?

He was KFOG's famous news reporter who used to say...... "Hey,... if you don't like the news, Go out and make some of your own".
In the same spirit of that statement..... If you have thoughts on this post,..... speak up and post a comment of your own.
Inquiring minds are waiting to hear you.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Is it me,... or is that heavy breathing behind me, my government watching out for my best interests?
Remember when things were actually made in this country? When manufacturers made products that made jobs, and futures?
I keep hearing about the "Global Marketplace", and how it's the future of a new world order. If PROFIT is what you live for, then that's probably true. At least from a corporate point of view.
But,.. what about you and me? Remember when your vote actually counted for something? You know,.... before corporations could pump millions into elections.
Our Supreme Court has sold us down the river, and it's a river of "corporate personhood". That's right...... "PERSONHOOD". With all the individual rights of you and me, but, with the money to make things go their way.
Everyday our government erodes a little bit of our personal rights away. Today,... it's just a little thing, like the "Habeas Corpus". And,... Tomorrow, it's tapping your phone lines without a warrant. But that's just the tip of the ice burg. Our government would have us believe that it's in our own best interests to be monitored and tapped into like "1984". They tell us it's in our own interest of safety, and some rights have to be suspended, in order to provide security to the nation. Why do we think it's called the "Patriot Act"? They would have us believe giving up our rights is a patriotic thing to do. Yeah,... right!
While our elected officials subjugate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to fit their corporate agendas, we are told it's a necessary evil in today's dangerous world. Meanwhile,.... back at the WARS... Democracy is being fought for. (Whether they want it or not) And,.. is there profit to made? You bet there is. Just not for you and me,.... unless you happen to be an arms dealer, or a federal contractor of some kind. How many billions of tax dollars could be saved if we weren't militarily stretched around the globe..."protecting our interest". Who you mean "our" ????
Remember when the phrase "Question Authority" was a cry for true democracy? Now,... to question authority, is overstepping our bounds. If they want you silenced, they just label you a "terrorist" of some kind. Having the right to question the actions of our own government is a risk to "Homeland Security".
I say..... Question everything! Don't take what they say as the real deal. Go out and research it for yourself. The truth is not always self-evident, and it's definitely not coming out of Washington.

What's wrong with this picture?

Today, as I watched the news, I saw President Obama set a wage freeze in place on all "Federal Employees". Now, I supported the President's election, but the idea of limiting salaries sounds a lot like something Nixon did. Except,.... at least he had the balls to freeze prices, as well.
I didn't hear the President talk about limiting Congress' salaries.... Or the fat cats in the Senate! Instead, he dumps the burden of bailing out the government on the Postal Workers, the Government Clerks, the people just like you and me, trying to get along.
While corporate America makes billions in profit, and rapes this country for every dime it can squeeze out of us,.... who gets saddled with wage freeze??? WE DO. Hey!! You want to freeze wages? Stop spending billions to finance wars we don't want or need.
How do you say "please Sir, I'd like another good buggering in my backside. I'm sure it will help the economy if you just keep ramming it home. God forbid those "Upper Crusters" should suffer the ravages of paying their fair shares."
While we,... the American People, foot the bill for useless, bullshit wars around the world, our President freezes our wages. Does he think that will help bring the "Global Economy" closer together? Oh yeah! That'll help put food on the table in your house.
I hear people rail about "Socialism". How a national health plan is the first step to the destruction of democracy.... Wake up.. Fools! Democracy is on its death throws as we speak. We not a Democracy..... we're a "Corporatocracy". We've had socialized health plans for DECADES!!!!! Ever heard of "The V.A."? Or,.. "Medicare"? In this country, those two programs have worked for years.
Your "Representatives" would like you to believe it's the road to wreck and ruin, but in reality...... It's your right to have decent health care! And, it shouldn't take someone making a huge profit for it to be available! What exactly are we paying taxes for? To have our wages frozen while we spend billions around the world? That's not the "change" I voted for, Mr. President. Where's the new jobs? Where's the green economy?