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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Here's one that's High on the Hypocrisy List.....

This came to me this morning on NPR.org......

Military Chaplains are worried about their careers if "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is lifted. "As many as 3000 military Chaplains are Evangelical and believe that if "don't ask don't tell" is repealed, it may affect how they do their jobs."

"Ronald Crews, a retired Army colonel and chaplain, works with active chaplains from his evangelical denomination. A few months ago, he began asking military chaplains what they thought about repealing don't ask, don't tell. One response in particular bothered him. The chaplain had just returned from a briefing by a general about the impact of changing the policy and asked if the military would protect him if he asserted that homosexuality is a sin.
"And the response he received from this four-star general was, 'If you cannot accept the changes coming, you have an option: You can resign your commission,' " Crews says.

"Dennis Camp, a retired colonel and Army chaplain for 27 years, says the proposed rules clearly protect a chaplain's religious rights. What chaplains can't do, he says, is act like "moral policemen" and openly condemn homosexuality. The chaplain's job is to serve everyone — religious or not, gay or straight. Camp says the objections raised by evangelicals are a smoke screen."
"They have made it an issue because they want to fight this thing on moral grounds," he says. "That's not the kind of fight it is. It's a civil rights issue."

[MS Comment]
Is anything more hypocritical than refusing to serve the needs of the soldiers they've sworn to provide assistance to? I guess if the troops aren't up to their high moral standards, they're just out of luck..... "NO GOD FOR YOU!"
That's what I call a nice Christian attitude. Kind of like the Boy Scouts.

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