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Sunday, March 13, 2011

YES WE CAN.......... MY ASS!

I used to think you were "the Man", but I know better, now.

Yeah you're "the man" alright! The man who condones torture. The man who is proving himself to be a liar, and a puppet of the "Marxist" regime left by George W. Bush.
You've turned your back on the people who put you in office, and now,... you're turning your back on every principal that makes up what this country was founded on. You make me sick!

Do you really think that subscribing to torturing "Detainees" is what this country stands for? Do you have any principles left? When you were elected, people told me that "there were no more crooked politics than Chicago Politics". I stood up for you. I told them "you were our hope." I was dead wrong. You're not my hope. You're exactly what they said you were. "A crooked hypocrite politician" of the worst kind.

When people said you were like "Hitler", I stood up for you then, as well. But they were right on that count, too. If anyone in your administration has the courage to speak their own mind, they're out the door faster than you can say "F#%k off and Die". Does the name "P.J. Crowley" have any deep meaning for you? You forced him out of the State Department because he had the balls to tell the truth about the treatment of Bradley Manning. That truth,....in his words, Manning's treatment... "is ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid."
Crowley will step down as early as Sunday afternoon, the officials said, because White House officials are furious about his suggestion that the Obama administration is mistreating Manning, the Army private who is being held in solitary confinement in Quantico, Virginia,
and is now being stripped naked each night, and forced to stand morning inspection the same way,... "For his own protection" is the official party line, that the President is pushing.

"Does anything have any deep meaning for you, Mr. President? Certainly not the principles that this country was founded on. If you think you're raising the opinions of the rest of the world towards the United States, you better think again. Governing by FEAR, rather than RESPECT, is a trait I never thought you would sink to. I guess I was wrong about that, too.

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