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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SPEAKING OF HYPOCRITES...... How Are Those "Christian" Values Working Out For You? .... Who Would Jesus Kill?

In yet another wonderful decision by the Supreme Court...(AKA The best judges corporations can buy).. they upheld the rights of citizens to protest against gays at military funerals. Now there's a show of real compassion. As if those people burying their fallen loved ones don't have enough grief in their lives. These self righteous hypocrites that profess their own set of values, as "true Christian values", just have to insult the memory of those who died in service of their country.

Is there anything lower? The answer.... "yes", that would be the Supreme Court Judges who couldn't find the courage to stand up for all Americans, but suddenly find their justification to stand up for bigotry and intolerance.
So,... my question is.... Where were these afforded rights when citizens wanted to protest against a wrongful war, or the WTO, or an evil idiot of a President? They allowed the storm troopers to attack those citizens in force. Where was the Supreme Court, then?

Only Justice Samuel Alito cast the lone dissenting vote, and strongly disagreed.
"Our profound national commitment to free and open debate is not a license for the vicious verbal assault that occurred in this case," he said.
At least someone had the decency to stand up for the grieving families, and true values that used to be the values of this nation.

So,... when did it happen? When did we become everything we'd fought against since our inception in 1776? What brought us to forsake all values of human decency and compassion? When did it become more important to know who was having sex with who, than to know right from wrong? How did we become so arrogant as to turn our backs on the very values that built this great nation?

It makes me ashamed to say... "I'm an American", unless I can explain "I'm a liberal, as well". If this is what our country is coming to, then I can understand why people have come to hate us. Our hypocrisy towards our own professed values are a blatant slap in the face to all who believe in honesty, freedom, and democracy. It sickens me to see the direction our country is headed.

You want to know why zealots like Timothy McVeigh, or Jared Loughner, are becoming more frequent? Or,.. why someone like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann have attained such popularity? Look around! Fear and hatred are the root cause. They are bred by intolerance, and fed by the subverted idea that this "Christian" country can do no wrong. "Your either with us, or against us". Those words uttered by George W. Bush, as he turned his back on the United Nations Security Council, might as well have declared "open season" on America. He flushed whatever credibility this country had left right down the proverbial toilet.

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