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Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Way of Our Fallen Idol, is A Hard Road To Follow..... Especially When That Road Was Paved With The Promises of Change.

We elected him in an aura of respect and awe, but we were soon to find out, he was a false idol. Sure, he's charismatic,... and literate, as well, but, ... he's proving himself to be the hypocrite that just caught on that he's on the ride of his life, and there's no turning back.
Will he change parties before his ride is over? It's starting to look like he already has.

What happened to the man we elected? Who slipped the giant green pod from outer space into his office, and replaced him with a Clone? A Clone so evil, he could smile his loving smile, look us in the face,... and turn his back on his promises and our dreams without batting an eye. A clone who's two faced lies are carved with the unspeakable mark of corporate America.

The "Dark Mark" of the GOP seems to hang on his every decision. His promises of change reduced to compromise after compromise that only seem to benefit the rich. The promised quest for truth, transparency, and justice have all but disappeared from his agenda. Forsaking his many worshipers for the benefit a the few.

The President does his famous impersonation of Elmer Gantry.
The scary thing is that we all believed him.

Let's take a look at just a few of those promises we were lead to believe, shall we?
#1. Rewarding whistle blowers for their courage to expose the wrongs and waste in Government.
I guess we should ask Bradley Manning about that,.... if we could talk to him, that is. Or maybe Julian Assange....
#2. How about those tax cuts for the richest 2% of the Americans,.. while the rest of us get "Bupkiss".
#3. Accountability for Wall Street dragging this nation's economy right down the toilet. I guess we can all see where that went..... We paid the bill.... they got the GOLD,... and we got the SHAFT!
#4. And while we're on the subject of accountability, where's that justice that was promised for the war criminals that lied to us, congress, and lead us into the war in Iraq.
I guess if you just make torture an accepted practice, then there really aren't any criminals.
#5. This is a good one.... "The bulldozing of homes on the West Bank by Israel has to stop".
That irrational talk was short lived,wasn't it? Who got to you Mr. Obama?
#6. The closing of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. That seemed like a slam dunk, for what,.... about a minute?

The list of broken promises gets bigger every day. And,.. with each broken promise, our Constitutional rights get laid aside. Covered by the rhetoric of a government that no longer sees its citizens as an asset, but instead,... sees them as a pain in the ass of the new world order. The order of the "CORPORATOCRACY". Where profit is king.

You,.... Mr. President have sold us out. You have lied, and you're not through lying, yet. You're a bald faced FRAUD! You've chucked us under the bus, and gone to the "Dark Side".
The "FARCE" is with you.

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