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Friday, February 18, 2011

LIARS and CHARLATANS translate to the GOP on the Deficit.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of these lying SOB's laying the deficit on the backs of municipal union workers and Social Security !
It just ain't so, and they know it.

That's like saying Iraq was responsible for 911. Do you all remember that lie? The one that got us into the "WAR WITHOUT END". AKA... The search for weapons of mass destruction. It just ain't so! We couldn't find them in Iraq, so now we're off to chase the Taliban, in Iran. Whose next?... Where do we go from here to spend ourselves into the biggest deficit to hit this country in its history?

"Nothing is more important in the face of war than cutting taxes" - Tom DeLay, 2003 You all remember him, don't you?

That's the GOP's prepackaged solution for just about everything. That, and "fixing Social Security". They keep telling us it's broken. Not yet it isn't! But, if they have their way it will be. Then they can convince their loyal followers that "privatization" will cure the socialistic blight. THAT'S PURE BULLSHIT!

In the words of Dave Johnson, from his Blog on The Campaign for America's Future
"Always A Crisis"
"Isn't it funny how these "crises" keep coming up? People whipped into a panic, over and over (and over and over.)
Right now people are whipped into a panic about the deficit crisis. The "solution?" Gut the things government does for regular people, including Social Security (which by law cannot borrow, so can't cause deficits._ They are even going to force a government shutdown -- another crisis. Meanwhile the huge military budget is "off the table." All this right after they just passed more tax cuts for the rich."

"Social Security is in "crisis?" People are in a panic. Everyone "knows" we have to "fix" it. We are told this over and over and over and over. (The "crisis" is that in 2037 it will have a shortfall, and might have to cut benefits. The solution to the crisis of a cut in benefits is to cut benefits.)
State budgets are in crisis? People are in a panic. Solution? Blame unions and worker pensions (and cut taxes.) That's what's happening in Wisconsin. And Ohio. And Indiana. And Missouri. And New Hampshire. And Michigan. And Minnesota. And other states, many not even limiting the attack to public-employee unions."
(You're right on the money, Dave.)

I agree with him completely. We're in a "WAR" in this country. A war between the rich and the middle class.(a soon to be extinct species if the GOP has its way) We are being lied to on a scale far grander than we can even imagine. The rich aren't concerned with this country. They're concerned with their own wealth getting bigger and bigger. It doesn't matter if you and I fall by the wayside as casualties of this war. It's a global economy that brings with it,...... global riches.

People want jobs. They want security in their lives. But, the GOP wants us in a constant state of "CRISIS". Then, they can whip out one of their prepackaged solutions, dump it on top of us, and make us fight like hell,.. just to get dumped on by their next "CRISIS". It always comes down to the bottom line..."More and More to the rich at the expense of everyone else."

If there's ever to be a "Revolution" in this country, it will be an economic one. Between the "HAVES" and the "HAVE-NOTS". BUT,.... will there be anyone left who can afford to fight it?

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