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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What should the President say in his State of the Union speech?..... How about "I'm Sorry", for starters.

Then maybe he could start saying "Yes we Should", instead of "Yes we can". It's obvious that the President has a lot to be sorry for. He could start by saying he's sorry he hasn't fulfilled his promises to stop torture and close Guantanamo.
He could say he's sorry he can't bring himself to follow the law and the constitution any better than his predecessor.
There's a ton of things he could say he's sorry for,.... but, he won't.

And, as someone who truly had high hopes that things would really change, I'm losing my faith that he has the ability make a difference. I believe that our President has lost his way, and,.... unfortunately, he is receiving his advice from the same people that have led us into an illegal and unending war. A war that is draining the American economy and costing us trillions.

For two years we have watched as our President reached out to Republicans, only to have his hand slapped time and time again. His quest for "bipartisanship" has virtually allowed a Republican minority to control the direction of this country. His inability to accomplish his promised changes have given rise to a new elite. An elite group who has been telling us what the American people want, while they orchestrate the direction the American people are going.

Yes,... President Obama did manage to rally the "lame duck" Congress into actually doing good things, but,.... It's looking like those good things will turn out to be short of their goals. And,... now that the Republicans have unseated so many Democrats, the future is looking a little troublesome for most Americans, to say the least.

I'll be watching tonight. Watching, and hoping that the President I voted for, steps up to the plate swinging. It's been way too long since the promise of change has been realized in the true sense of the word. I hope he taps one out of the park. If he doesn't,... we're in for more of the same old problems, with no end in sight.

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