The systematic demonization of public sector employees is the most insidious plot to make you believe that they are the cause of all financial woes in America.
Excerpts taken from an article written by Dave Johnson, called... Understanding The Attacks On Public Employees, written in The Campaign For America's Future.
"How do you get regular people to “look over there” with all of that going on? Simple: launch a big campaign to blame the librarians, firefighters and other public sector workers for the hard times. “Don’t blame US,” Wall Street says, “Look over there!” Blame the economy's victims for economic crimes. And, do you know what? This is a strategy that is proven to work every time."
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, in, The Shameful Attack on Public Employees, writes,
"Public servants are convenient scapegoats. Republicans would rather deflect attention from corporate executive pay that continues to rise as corporate profits soar, even as corporations refuse to hire more workers. They don't want stories about Wall Street bonuses, now higher than before taxpayers bailed out the Street.....
It's far more convenient to go after people who are doing the public's work - sanitation workers, police officers, fire fighters, teachers, social workers, federal employees - to call them "faceless bureaucrats" and portray them as hooligans who are making off with your money and crippling federal and state budgets. The story fits better with the Republican's Big Lie that our problems are due to a government that's too big.
Above all, Republicans don't want to have to justify continued tax cuts for the rich. As quietly as possible, they want to make them permanent.
But the right's argument is shot-through with bad data, twisted evidence, and unsupported assertions."
"Look Over There!"
If they can deflect the American peoples attention from the true blood sucking that's taking down our economy, they can continue to reap profits like never before at the expense of each and every one of us. And, all the while, cry out how "public employees" and "Unions" are sapping the economy.
Robert Creamer, at Huffington Post, in Time to Stand Up for the Public Sector, says ..."this is really about advancing anti-government ideology.
For over forty years, the right wing has mounted an irrepressible campaign to discredit the very concept of government in the United States.
… The wealthy elites that dominate the American Right have financed the campaign to demonize government because they want the opportunity to pursue a very different group of values that have nothing to do with America's founding principles. They want the right to concentrate more and more wealth and power into their own hands."
"Look Over There!"..... Ignore those rich getting richer, while you and I struggle to make ends meet.
Are you sick and tired of our government screwing us while they smile in our faces? We have elevated our "representatives" to an elite stature in our society. But,.. do they serve us? Not unless you can grease their pockets with the by products of corporate greed. Capitalism is the new world order. It neither recognizes your rights, nor your laws. What it does recognize is our ability to pay for it all. Are you sick of it? So am I! I invite you to comment. You never know, it might be heard.
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